Thanks to the Department of Special Collections Archives of the University of Iowa

Letter of Comment to Bergmann (Dec. 5, 1955) 

Professor Gustav Bergmann
Department of Philosophy
State University of Iowa
Iowa City Iowa

Dear Gustav,

          I have just read your note on "Dispositional Properties and Dispositions." I like the distinctions which you draw in it; also your remark on states and traits.

         At the end of the paper, however, there is a seemingly fairly dispensable passage which I think will bring you some just objections; namely, your remark that "whatever one shall eventually decide about the arrow, one will want 'Phi --->(Psi --->Xi)' and '(Phi & Psi) ---> Xi' to be analytically equivalent." Note for instance that your equivalence fails when the arrow is taken as expressing Lewis' strict conditional. Thus "(-p & p) ---> q" is a law for Lewis, while "-p ---> (p ---> q)" is anethema to him.

I hope to see you here in a few weeks.

Sincerely yours,


W. V. Quine

I have written out "Phi," "Psi," and "Xi" where Quine had penciled in the Greek letters. Steve Bayne